Exterior Cameras

CCTV with a view of your home’s curtilage can help you keep an eye on nuisance neighbours,
prowlers, and potential criminals. It can allow you to see who’s knocking at your door or
tampering with your mailbox. There are drawbacks. A burglar can easily disable a camera visible on the outside of your home.

A determined criminal can simply choose a point of entry outside the camera’s range. As for those annoying neighbours, facing a camera could incite them to become violent or at least to redouble their efforts to make your life miserable. They might accuse you of antisocial behaviour for invading their privacy with your CCTV.

In order to obtain video recordings of sufficient quality to permit you or the police to identify
anyone pictured in them, you’ll need to purchase a high quality camera system. Don’t forget that
you won’t be able to see or record anything at night unless your surveillance camera is capable of infrared photography or the area within view of the camera is extremely well lighted. If you’re
technologically adept, you might want to select a CCTV system compatible with your computer
for ease of use.

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